Westminster Kennel Club, New York USA

The Westminster Kennel Club at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY- the Olympics of dog shows. This year we had two Pharaoh Hounds entered under sighthound specialist, Dr. Richard Meen (CAN) and are pleased to announce the following results:

Reserve Best In Show/ Am Silver GrCH/ Can Ch OSIRIS COWBOY CASANOVA
#1 Pharaoh Hound All-breeds & Breed/ #17 Hound in the USA for 2013
Handled by Clint Livingston, LivingstonDogs.com
Owned by Taylor Del Duca & Brittany Carella, Maureen Del Duca & Kathy Carella

!!Best of Breed!!

Am GrCh/Can Ch XO Bellini
#1 Pharaoh Hound Bitch All-breeds & Breed in the USA for 2013
Handled by Joe Buchanan
Owned by Lori Evans, Joe Buchanan, Brittany & Kathy Carella

!!Best of Opposite!!
*Photos courtesy of WestminsterKennelClub.org